Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday!

Are you ready for some football? Well, if you answered, "yes"'re out of luck...because the season is over! :)
We have adopted the tradition of hosting Super Bowl...and I LOVE it! This year was a little extra special because Chad...and pretty much all of our friends...are HUGE Niners fans. So, I had no choice but to go all out for my man. :)
Here's the invite...not to be confused with an actual Super Bowl ticket...
Our guests were welcomed with this on the door...
of course you have to have a banner...
and it isn't a party without some balloons and food!

Most of you know that I have a very abnormal love for naming my party food. Really. It is a bit abnormal. It really brings me almost as much fun as the actual party. And yes, I do crack myself up with my names...ask my hubby...I think I'm pretty clever sometimes! :)
So, here starts that parade of food pictures...

I told myself that these were for the kiddos...honestly, I used it as an excuse to buy some for me. I also have a secret love affair with these tiny pockets of pb&j!

Of course there were the "usuals"...Chain Gang Chili Dip, Super Bowl Salsa, Grid Iron Guacamole, Coin Toss Cream Cheese and Chili Sauce...and new this year...
A build your own hot dog bar...

I made a list of some NFL inspired hot dog recipes...and here were all of the fixings!

I also had some toys and activities for the kids...even though they never touched them! Ha!!!

Even the "big kids" had their own game!

Cue the good ol' Super Bowl Squares! Do you see a little mister in the mix in the picture above? Yup...he was all about the squares and even bought a few of his own!

Nothing says Super Bowl like bouncing on the trampoline...right?

1st quarter ended...and Dave was the big winner! This is actually a picture of him with his 1st AND 3rd quarter winnings. :)

Sheri was the big winner at half-time!

After we all watched Beyonce and her amazing performance...I had my own special presentation for Brian. During our FSU football season Brian did an amazing job of planning all of our tailgate meals, coordinating who would bring what, etc. So, I felt it was only fitting to give him his own trophy...for the Champion of Tailgate Planning! Apparently this very expensive trophy needed a bit longer to "cure" because some of the gold rubbed off on his now he also goes by the name Goldfinger! :)

Warning...there is a slightly vulgar picture following...with some middle digits pointing at each other...
Brian was NOT very happy that Dave won the 3rd quarter, too...on a square that he bought off Brian. Yup. Won twice on the same square!

Guess what...end of the game came...and the big winner was...

Yup...our Little Man was the big winner at the end of the game...he was soooooooooo excited!

He immediately wanted to put it in his pig! He definitely gets that from his daddy. :)
Can you tell that he loves putting money in his pig?

Here's a shot of our sweet family! Even though the game didn't end the way most people wanted was a great game, a fun time, lots of food, and tons of friends...overall...VICTORY!

Yes, I made my own shirt...with the Dallas Cowboy's star in Niner is the closest I could come to wearing/rooting for the Niners. I mean, my son is named LANDRY afterall! :)

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