Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just a Morning at the Park

It is vacation...which can mean one thing for sure...Landry and Amy playdate!!!
This morning Landry and I met Erin and Amy at Oso de Oro Park for a morning filled with donut holes, Starbucks, play time, swings, duck feeding, and leaf throwing.
It was a bit chilly but this little bear was ready for some fun!
Nothing like going down a wet slide to start the morning off right. :)
I just about died of shock when Mr. Cautious decided to actually get a bit daring and climb on the wall!

Nothing beats swinging with your buddy. :)

After spending some time on the playground we decided to walk down to the lake and feed the ducks. Landry loves to go and feed the ducks with my mom. The difference is...those ducks are behind a fence...these ducks...not so much!

Amy was fearless and went right for them. You can see Landry's stance.

Amy had them literally eating out of her hand!

Landry quickly retreated to the safety of the bench...and worked as the guardian of our Starbucks drinks. :)
Did I mention that these ducks were NOT shy?

Time for a donut hole break!

Erin and Amy feeding the ducks at the lake.

Once the ducks had gone back to the water...on the lake...Landry decided that it was safe to feed them again. :)

How cute are these two?

Love this little girl's face!

Once we ran out of bread...Amy and Landry discovered...leaves!
Lots of leaves!

We headed back to the play ground for some fun in the sand...

and on the teetertotter...

and we had to take a picture on the bear before we left!

Oh how I love our playdates and adventures together! These two are absolutely adorable together and have so much fun.

You know it has been a fun time when both kiddos are crying as we are dragging them to the car...and they are wet and covered in sand and leaves. :)
Can't wait for our next palydate...Landry says it needs to be NOW! :)

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