Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Little Peanut

Yesterday Landry had his 2 month check-up with Dr. Hubbard. I was very anxious about how he would react to his shots but so curious to see how much he has grown. In our eyes he seems so big...but, we found out yesterday that we really have a "little peanut!" Here are his 2 month stats:

Weight: 10 pounds, 10 ounces (10-25th percentile)
Length: 22.5 inches (10-25th percentile)

So, to everyone who tells us, "He is so tiny"...apparently you are right! :o) Dr. Hubbard was very impressed with how alert he is and his intense interest in everything around him. He was so brave during his shots. Here are some pictures of our happy, healthy, "little peanut!"

Showing off his Tweety Bird band-aids that he got from his shots!


  1. Ahhh poor little sweetheart!! Nawnie sure was anxious for you too. Seems so bad to make you hurt- just to keep you safe and healthy, but it's necessary. I've seen too many little ones fighting to breathe from whooping cough- if you ever did you'd get your children vaccinated. Love you much little "peanut". Nawnie & Papa

  2. He's so stinkin' cute Krstin!
