One Friday evening in the Lofgren family room...Chad and Kristin are relaxing on the couch after a long week at work. Chad is watching one of the 5 billion football games that will be on for the weekend. Kristin is on usual! Landry is playing on his playmat...having a grand time batting, grabbing, and strangling the jungle animals that dangle above him.
Kristin: Um...Babe...where is Landry?
Chad: What do you mean?
Kristin: Um...I mean...where is the baby...he was just on the playmat...what happened to him?
This is when Chad and Kristin discover that their adorable little child cannot only roll over...but in this case...he can roll away!
Okay, so enough of my very dramatic, suspense filled play...I know I should have been a playwright instead of a teacher. Ha! :o)
Yes, we did find our child...right here... can't tell where that is at? Let me zoom out for you...

Yup...that's right...our child rolled right on under the coffee table. Pretty tricky, huh?

Well, it did give his mother a brief state of panic...thinking..."How did I lose my 4 month old in my own living room?" As you can see that panic quickly went away and as usual...what did I do...well the only logical thing of course...grabbed the camera! As you can see...he was quite happy during his time under the coffee table...not sure what he was so focused on...but clearly, it was very serious under there!

And just so you know...yes, the wet spot...all drool baby...100% drool. Think we need to start wearing a permanent bib or what?