So, I know I'm kinda mean...did the title make you think that we were having a boy? Well, I hate to disappoint but...we don't know yet! December 9th is the day we will find out if we are having a Lilly or a, I'll keep you posted.
Actually this is an update of some "new" designs I have for onesies. The reason I say "new" is because some of these were created oh, a mere 3 months I'm a bit behind on my blogging...shoot me! Anyway, if you work with me, you know that everyone at Riverview has baby boys...I really mean EVERYONE! There has only been 1 girl born in the last 5 years...CRAZY! So, with all of the little boys runnin' around I have created some "boy-friendly" designs. Enjoy!!!! 

By the way...if you are interested in ordering something I have a new e-mail address...thanks to some lovely can reach me at!Be sure to check back soon...I am working on some pretty cute Christmas crafts and yes...Christmas has exlpoded at the Lofgren house!